Tarcy song22 Feb 2014 China咨询个问题,查看移民局IRRV的要求
A principal applicant has demonstrated a commitment to New Zealand if they have established a base in New Zealand. A principal applicant is considered to have established a base in New Zealand if:
each and every member of their immediate family who was included in their application for a resident visa has resided in New Zealand for at least 184 days in the two year period immediately preceding the date the application for the permanent resident visa was made; and
they have been in New Zealand as a resident for a total of at least 41 days in the 12 months immediately preceding the date the application for the permanent resident visa was made; and either
they own and maintain a family home in New Zealand; or
they have been engaged in full time continuous genuine employment in New Zealand immediately preceding the date the application for the permanent resident visa was made.
For the purpose of these instructions applicants are considered to own and maintain a family home in New Zealand if:
they have purchased a residential property in New Zealand within 12 months of their first day in New Zealand as a resident and still own that property either solely or jointly with members of their immediate family who were included in the application for a resident visa; and
they and/or members of their immediate family who were included in the application for a resident visa occupy that property.
Evidence of owning and maintaining a home in New Zealand includes but is not limited to items in the name of the applicant and/or members of their immediate family who were included in the application for a resident visa such as:
mortgage documents or title deeds to the residential property
rates demands
home and contents insurance cover
invoices for telephone, electricity, gas, or water
documents showing that household effects have been moved to New Zealand
For the purpose of these instructions, applicants are considered to have been engaged in full time continuous employment in New Zealand if they can produce evidence of genuine full time paid employment in New Zealand for a period or periods amounting to at least 9 months in the 24 months immediately preceding the date the application for the permanent resident visa was made. Employment involving payment by commission and/or retainer is not acceptable. Self-employment is acceptable if they can produce evidence of genuine lawful active involvement in the management and operating of a business in New Zealand which the principal applicant has established, purchased, or has a shareholding in. 回复
susan22 Feb 2014 China博主,您好,感谢您提供了这样一个平台,我想咨询一个问题,我是一名职业社工,有全国社工证(只在国内承认),工作11年,今年41岁,英语没考过雅思,基本能达4级,这样有机会技术移民吗,年龄偏大可以吗? 回复
bear13 Feb 2014 China我还有一个月就工作满4年了,可以在填写EOI表的时候选择4年工作经验么?会不会被当成造假?谢谢!
3楼bear(17 Feb 2014, China)Jack,谢谢您的回复.但是移民局刚才给我回信是这样说的:You should only claim points for an event that has already occurred. You should therefore claim points for the number of years work experience you have as of the day that you submit your Expression of Interest (EOI). If the number of qualifying years of Work Experience you have behind you changes whilst the Expression of Interest is in the pool you may update your EOI online to reflect your new point total. 看起来是必须要到满4年才能提交EOI了...得再等一个月了..@TA
4楼KL4(17 Feb 2014, New Zealand)看起来是必须要到满4年才能提交EOI了...得再等一个月了..
- This is the official statement. After all, I don't think they can tell you of something beyond the guidelines, right? In reality, however, your EOI is not necessarily selected / processed as soon as you have it submitted. If the points you can claim is 140 or above, just wait another month then, or otherwise you may submit it now and then pray.@TA
5楼bear(17 Feb 2014, China)谢谢K的回答。我现在的情形就是如果claim 4年的话总分是145分,claim 2年的话总分是140分,理论上讲一提交就会在2周内被电脑选上。其实claim 2年对我来说140分也够了,但我考虑也许claim 4年的话可能会对PR有一点帮助。@TA
6楼bear(18 Feb 2014, China)对了,如果我现在提交EOI的时候只声明2年工作经验加5分,在提交ITA要求的材料中可以把它改成4年工作经验要求加10分么?那时我肯定满4年工作经验了。@TA
7楼KL4(18 Feb 2014, New Zealand)对了,如果我现在提交EOI的时候只声明2年工作经验加5分,在提交ITA要求的材料中可以把它改成4年工作经验要求加10分么?
- The points you have claimed only determine the possibility of EOI selection. Once you are invited to apply, it makes no difference whether you have claimed 5 points or 10 in that case.@TA
8楼bear(18 Feb 2014, China)K,你的意思是只要我达到140分,不管我工作经验claim 5分还是10分,对批PR的可能性都不会影响是么?@TA
9楼KL4(19 Feb 2014, New Zealand)K,你的意思是只要我达到140分,不管我工作经验claim 5分还是10分,对批PR的可能性都不会影响是么?
- Yes, you hit the point.@TA
10楼bear(19 Feb 2014, China)非常感谢。昨天最后一刻提交了,今天早上发现已经选中了。@TA
11楼weiboyy(20 Feb 2014, China)谢谢你回答我的问题,但是有个疑问,就是雅思时间有效期是2年,我现在考了雅思,然后提交eoi,有可能排队时间超过2年,那不是还需要重新考一次雅思啊@TA
12楼bear(20 Feb 2014, China)那你为什么不等考出雅思再提交EOI呢?EOI是140分或以上,以及有新西兰工作offer都会选出的,其他分数目前看基本无望,早提交也没用啊。@TA
13楼weiboyy(20 Feb 2014, China)bear,你好,
让我有了新的疑问啊,EOI 140分和新西兰工作offer是同时满足的嘛?,应该是只要满足一个就行了吧@TA
15楼Justin(21 Feb 2014, China)只要够140分的及格线,即使你条件再优越,和其他够140分的申请者相比没有特别大的优势。而且移民局评估你是否给你移民签证不是看到底140分还是160分。EOI选中以后,评估的所有信息已经和分数无关了,只不过他们要验证你的140分有没有虚报。@TA
zeus20 Feb 2014 China博主您好,关注您的博客很长时间了,一有空就上来阅读了解,真希望您能一直更新下去!
Leon Fu20 Feb 2014 China您好,看了您的博客受益匪浅,还有几个问题要请教一下。
1、我是2003年国内一所2批本科院校毕业,建筑环境与设备工程专业,想去新西兰读mechanical engineering的硕士,有移民的想法。
我在新西兰硕士毕业后能否符合IPENZ'特许专业工程师'注册资格要求,进而申请移民时加上紧缺专业的分数?我在IPEZN网站上查询Professional Engineer,注册的要求是Four-year Bachelor of Engineering ,这里4年的工学学士学位在中国大陆的学校取得的,会被认可吗?还是必须是在新西兰读书取得的4年Bachelor of Engineering才会认可?
问题有点多,还望老师费心解答一下,也欢迎老师给我E-mail,我计划今年去新西兰读书,已经开始前期准备了,希望得到老师更多的帮助。 回复
焦急的小猪03 Dec 2013 China详细看了您的网站,受益匪浅。目前疑惑请楼主指点:
2楼KL4(06 Dec 2013, New Zealand)1、关于工作经验:工作时间是以提交EOI时截止,还是以入选后提交具体材料时为准啊?另外,大学全职实习一年的话,能算工作时间吗?
- It should be cut off by the time you submitted your EOI. In theory, student internship programs is NOT equal to full time employment. Full time is not measured by how many hours you have to work in a day.
2、关于紧缺行业工作经验加分:本科植物保护,硕士植物检疫与农业生态健康(实际上硕士研究的是环境毒理方向)。从事工作属于长期紧缺里的regulatory toxicology。由于学历证书上没有环境毒理方向的证明,我很担心这样提交EOI时,移民局会不会算是学历与工作经验对口?如何才能加上分呢。
- I think syllabus can be good evidence for/against that.@TA
3楼焦急的小猪(20 Feb 2014, China)谢谢指点啊。大学实习的时间,有没有可能被折算成部分的工作时间啊?因为我还差3个月就满足4年工作经验的加分条件了@TA
Kejia Li18 Feb 2014 China博客上的打分表似乎不是最新的吧,Points Indicator 有几个地方我不是很理解,罗列如下,盼复:
1. 过去的工作像计算机属于absolute skills shortage但是一定是要在新西兰境内吗?还是不在新西兰的外企如微软也可以。
Is your work, or offer of employment, in any one of New Zealand's:
identified future growth areas?
areas of absolute skills shortage?
2. Number of years work experience in any one of New Zealand's: 这个必须是新西兰境内的工作经验吧
identified future growth areas ?
areas of absolute skills shortage ?
2楼bear(19 Feb 2014, China)identified future growth areas.必须是新西兰的。
areas of absolute skills shortage。可以是外企的,如微软。@TA
A principal applicant has demonstrated a commitment to New Zealand if they have established a base in New Zealand. A principal applicant is considered to have established a base in New Zealand if:
each and every member of their immediate family who was included in their application for a resident visa has resided in New Zealand for at least 184 days in the two year period immediately preceding the date the application for the permanent resident visa was made; and
they have been in New Zealand as a resident for a total of at least 41 days in the 12 months immediately preceding the date the application for the permanent resident visa was made; and either
they own and maintain a family home in New Zealand; or
they have been engaged in full time continuous genuine employment in New Zealand immediately preceding the date the application for the permanent resident visa was made.
For the purpose of these instructions applicants are considered to own and maintain a family home in New Zealand if:
they have purchased a residential property in New Zealand within 12 months of their first day in New Zealand as a resident and still own that property either solely or jointly with members of their immediate family who were included in the application for a resident visa; and
they and/or members of their immediate family who were included in the application for a resident visa occupy that property.
Evidence of owning and maintaining a home in New Zealand includes but is not limited to items in the name of the applicant and/or members of their immediate family who were included in the application for a resident visa such as:
mortgage documents or title deeds to the residential property
rates demands
home and contents insurance cover
invoices for telephone, electricity, gas, or water
documents showing that household effects have been moved to New Zealand
For the purpose of these instructions, applicants are considered to have been engaged in full time continuous employment in New Zealand if they can produce evidence of genuine full time paid employment in New Zealand for a period or periods amounting to at least 9 months in the 24 months immediately preceding the date the application for the permanent resident visa was made. Employment involving payment by commission and/or retainer is not acceptable. Self-employment is acceptable if they can produce evidence of genuine lawful active involvement in the management and operating of a business in New Zealand which the principal applicant has established, purchased, or has a shareholding in. 回复
我即将要跟随我先生到新西兰,准备到新西兰再申请配偶工签,我有澳阳,但无病毒复制,肝功能一切正常,这种情况在体检时要提前跟医生说吗?另外看到其中一篇文章说,建议有澳阳的申请者递交体检报告时附一份专家报告,请问在哪里可以写这份专家报告?对于澳阳这问题很担心焦虑,望得到您的解答,万分感谢! 回复
1、我是2003年国内一所2批本科院校毕业,建筑环境与设备工程专业,想去新西兰读mechanical engineering的硕士,有移民的想法。
我在新西兰硕士毕业后能否符合IPENZ'特许专业工程师'注册资格要求,进而申请移民时加上紧缺专业的分数?我在IPEZN网站上查询Professional Engineer,注册的要求是Four-year Bachelor of Engineering ,这里4年的工学学士学位在中国大陆的学校取得的,会被认可吗?还是必须是在新西兰读书取得的4年Bachelor of Engineering才会认可?
问题有点多,还望老师费心解答一下,也欢迎老师给我E-mail,我计划今年去新西兰读书,已经开始前期准备了,希望得到老师更多的帮助。 回复
2、关于紧缺行业工作经验加分:本科植物保护,硕士植物检疫与农业生态健康(实际上硕士研究的是环境毒理方向)。从事工作属于长期紧缺里的regulatory toxicology。由于学历证书上没有环境毒理方向的证明,我很担心这样提交EOI时,移民局会不会算是学历与工作经验对口?如何才能加上分呢。
谢谢楼主了啊~ 回复
1. 过去的工作像计算机属于absolute skills shortage但是一定是要在新西兰境内吗?还是不在新西兰的外企如微软也可以。
Is your work, or offer of employment, in any one of New Zealand's:
identified future growth areas?
areas of absolute skills shortage?
2. Number of years work experience in any one of New Zealand's: 这个必须是新西兰境内的工作经验吧
identified future growth areas ?
areas of absolute skills shortage ?
目测自己的分数只有100分。 回复
4、我们需要考雅思,是提交eoi之前就先准备雅思还是提交之后再准备,谢谢 回复
我本科是应用化学专业,毕业后有2年半的技术工作经验,应该属于绝对紧缺专业里的化学工程师或材料工程师,但之后就做材料销售了(10年外企销售经验),也拿到了MBA学位。不知是以本科学历申请(紧缺专业,但10年以前的工作经验还能算吗?)还是以MBA学历申请(MBA应该是非紧缺吧)?再次感谢! 回复
看了你的网站感觉很受益,谢谢您 回复
1. 我是做IT Customer Service - Technical的,之前在微软,现在在EMC,可以申请EOI吗?
2. 还是关于skilled employment,我在国内专注一个领域6年多,至少属于263111 Computer Network and Systems Engineer,这个可以算吗?还是一定要在NZ工作?
谢谢! 回复
我现在遇到的最大的问题就是,我去申请工作,人家希望是based on NZ,我要申请技术移民,却似乎又卡在没有新西兰本地工作上。dead lock. :(
方便私聊吗?您的博客非常的好! 回复
请问新西兰技术移民可以不交推荐信么? 公司可以出工作证明与在税务局开纳税证明。
谢谢 回复